The resurgence of climate denial, epitomized by figures such as former U.S. President Donald Trump, poses severe...
Modern warfare is rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements. New tools like cyberwarfare and AI are emerging...
The decline in birth rates presents unique challenges to societies worldwide, often impacting a nation’s economic stability,...
In a world where democracy is often taken for granted, the specter of election fraud and the...
Is the green transition truly sustainable? As we race towards a greener future, we often overlook the...
Economist Jeffrey D. Sachs argues that the U.S.-driven NATO expansion, rather than solely Russian aggression, plays a...
India’s diplomatic strategy, marked by a deliberate “strategic ambiguity,” exemplifies a sophisticated balancing act in its relations...
The recent “Arrest Bill Gates” protests in the U.S. are fueled by a mix of concerns and...
A tragic shooting at Tuskegee University’s homecoming weekend has left one dead and multiple injured, underscoring a...
Floods & Landslides: Spain Floods Thousands protested in Valencia, Spain, criticizing regional authorities’ delayed response to recent...